Sunday, May 18, 2008

Qarn Qaymah 2

Here is the full press release from Calvalley Petroleum: Calvalley Petroleum Inc. - Qarn Qaymah 2 Encounters Hydrocarbon Shows in Kohlan Sandstone and Fractured Granite Basement

Calvalley spudded the Qarn Qaymah 2 appraisal well on December 6, 2007. The primary objectives of this well were to appraise the Qarn Qaymah 1 basal Kohlan sandstone gas/condensate discovery and to explore for hydrocarbons within the large, underlying granite basement closure. Secondary objectives existed in the Saar-Naifa carbonates. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 3,975 metres.

As previously announced on January 14, 2008, oil and gas shows were encountered in Qarn Qaymah 2 within the lower portion of the Saar and Naifa formations, which represent secondary zones of interest in the Qarn Qaymah 2 well and for future wells in Qarn Qaymah area. The Kohlan sandstone, which was a primary objective and sits immediately above the granite basement, was penetrated at a measured depth of 3,178 metres. A good natural gas show was displayed over a twelve metre sandstone interval. Gas and significant condensate were previously recovered on a short term test of the Kohlan sandstone in the Qarn Qaymah 1 well. Qarn Qaymah 2 is located 2.1 kilometres to the east of Qarn Qaymah 1.

The casing shoe was set 43 metres into the granite basement at a measured depth of 3,233 metres and drilling continued into the underlying granite basement. The well was deviated at an inclination of up to 72 degrees towards the south to enable Calvalley to drill towards seismic features that may represent potential fracture zones within the large potential basement closure. An additional 747 metres of granite was penetrated below the casing shoe, giving a lateral offset from the casing shoe of approximately 570 metres to the south. The total 785 metre granite basement intersection in Qarn Qaymah 2 equates to a true vertical basement section of 380 metres total vertical depth in the well bore. This demonstrates the presence of a structural closure with hydrocarbon shows in several fracture zones.

Six fracture zones, which are associated with faults or flexures within the granite basement, were encountered with associated hydrocarbon shows. Strong gas kicks were encountered soon after penetrating the granite basement and gas-condensate shows were associated with the first two fracture zones. As the well was deepened, oil was observed in good quantity over the shaker and mud pit from the four fractures. The mud weight indicates the reservoir pressure may be in excess of 5,000 psi.

Qarn Qaymah 2 has encountered excellent hydrocarbon indications while drilling and, depending on test results, may be the first hydrocarbon discovery within the granite basement zone of Block 9. The Qarn Qaymah granite basement is a large structural high and could have a significant volumetric hydrocarbon potential. Other discoveries have been made in the granite basement of the Masila basin which have achieved commercial productivity. The drilling rig will be demobilized following the completion of logging of the granite basement section and a service rig will be moved on site to commence extensive testing of various hydrocarbon horizons within the well.

The well has demonstrated the potential viability of the granite basement structure in Block 9 as another potential hydrocarbon reservoir and additional exploration is intended to be directed toward similar structures.



    After reading through the full press release from Calvalley Petroleum, there is no doubt what oil exploration principles were directing this project.

    Within the second sentence of the press release, geological terms consistent with abiotic oil theory are used:

    "The primary objectives of this well were to appraise the Quarn Qaymah 1 basal Kohlan sandstone gas/condensate discovery and to explore for hydrocarbons within the large, underlying ganite basement closure."

    Further review confirms the above conclusion.

    What is exciting, after first glance, is the investment profile of the project. As oil exploration capital expenditures go, this is a relatively modest project, and that is the beauty in a rough and tumble way. A project using the most advanced understanding of crude oil geology, can be successful, and promise substantial returns, at a modest level of initial investment.

    You too, can be an Indiana Jones on a quest for crude oil discovery.

    Understanding abiotic oil theory and employing the exploration principles and techniques derived from the theory will provide a competitive advantage against others still hungup on an outdated, antiquated hypothesis.

    "Where's my bullwhip and hat, it's time for adventure, crude oil paydirt is out there for the taking."

    The lust for discovery is alive and well!


    Millions of Tiny Starfish Inhabit Undersea Volcanoes,
    Wellington, New Zealand (AP) May 19, 2008.

    "It challenged what we as scientists thought we knew."

    This is a quote from a scientist that explored the circumpolar current South of New Zealand and encountered millions of tiny starfish located on the slopes of a string of sea mounts.

    There are 100,000 sea mounts more than a half mile above the sea floor. Fewer than 200 have been investigated.

    One wonders what could be inside some of those sea mounts.

    If only petro-geologists could be as open minded.


    There are several reasons why crude oil in bedrock is so noteworthy.

    First, "fossil" theory claims that crude oil can't emerge from fractured bedrock in any appreciable sustained quanity because oil has to form in sedimentary geologic formations from organic detritus.

    But when confronted with the undeniable fact of crude oil in fractured bedrock, petro-geologists' answer is that the oil migrated there from nearby sedimentary rock. Petro-geologists have a problem, though, even should crude oil migrate in that fashion, to maintain sustained pressure in fractured bedrock over time requires an "injection source." Simple migration into fractured bedrock would fail to generate sustained pressure (The Qarn Qaymah 2 may have over 5000 psi in the reservoir), unless there is some kind of driver or force mechanism.

    Constant high pressure from deep below would maintain the pressure.


    Discovery, wealth, romance, adventure, and mystery: All are attractive to the human spirit. And the "Prize" as some have called petroleum has it all. And, of course, abiotic oil theory has these qualities in spades.

    But science and proof can never be far from one's mind. They are always tugging at your sleeve.

    What a journalist or a scientist wants to do is interview the parties present at the oil well and ask questions:

    What exploration principles do those at the well, say they used?

    What led the well operators to decide to drill at that spot? What seismic, imaging work was done? What did the imaging work show?

    And, should it turn out the well operators, did in fact, use abiotic principles (admit), more questions arise. How did abiotic principles effect the techniques and strategies involved in drilling the well? In what respects, if any, would different principles change the process.

    Regrettable in some ways, but absolutely understandable in a competitive business environment -- these answers might not be forthcoming.

    But those seeking truth have to ask the hard questions.
