Tuesday, July 29, 2008

NOV Q2 Results

National Oilwell Varco Announces Second Quarter 2008 Earnings and Backlog

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 29, 2008--National Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE:NOV) today reported that for its second quarter ended June 30, 2008 it earned net income of $421.7 million, or $1.04 per fully diluted share, which includes $62.5 million of pre-tax charges ($0.10 per share after tax) related to its merger with Grant Prideco, Inc., $29.0 million ($0.07 per share) in additional tax provisions related to the Company's decision to repatriate earnings from certain foreign subsidiaries during the quarter and $7.2 million in pre-tax income ($0.01 per share after tax) from a Grant Prideco business that was sold during the quarter. Net income for the period excluding these charges and income was $486.5 million, or $1.20 per fully diluted share. Reported revenues for the second quarter were $3,324.2 million. Operating profit for the quarter, excluding the $62.5 million of transaction costs and income from the disposed Grant Prideco business, was $746.8 million.

The Company completed its merger with Grant Prideco, Inc. on April 21, 2008, and, as a result, its financial statements reflect Grant Prideco's results for all but the first 21 days of the quarter. The purchase price allocated to Grant Prideco for the merger was reduced by $127.0 million reflecting the Company's settlement of certain patent litigation.

In addition to reported results, the Company is also providing supplemental results, which include the combined financial results for the Company and Grant Prideco as if the acquisition occurred at the beginning of the period. The Company's as adjusted revenues and operating profit for the second quarter of 2008 were $3,444.7 million and $778.2 million, respectively, including the estimated effects of purchase accounting for the full quarter but excluding certain transaction costs. Revenues increased 9 percent from the first quarter of 2008, and increased 21 percent from the second quarter of 2007, on this combined basis. Operating profit flow-through, or the increase in operating profit divided by the increase in revenue, was 40 percent from the first quarter to the second quarter of 2008, and was 30 percent from the second quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2008, on a combined basis.

Backlog for capital equipment orders for the Company's Rig Technology segment at June 30, 2008 increased to $10.8 billion, compared to $9.9 billion at March 31, 2008, with record new orders during the quarter of $2.2 billion. The increase in the Company's backlog for capital equipment reflected the strong demand for its drilling equipment products, particularly for international offshore rigs. Backlog for drill pipe orders in the Company's Petroleum Services & Supplies segment increased 19 percent during the second quarter.

Pete Miller, Chairman, President and CEO of National Oilwell Varco, remarked, "We are pleased with the strong results we achieved this quarter. Demand for our capital equipment products remained strong, as reflected in our record backlog. The merger helped position our Company to better benefit from the strong demand in the oilfield by providing us with oilfield products and services that complement our existing offering of products and services. We remain optimistic about market conditions for the remainder of the year."

1 comment:


    Oilfield services companies are doin' business -- hand over fist.

    And the reason is obvious, they sell 'players' the tools to go out and drill for oil.

    Advanced technology is 'spurring' the oil business.

    Oil is the most productive substance on Earth and the fact that lots of folks want to drill for oil is a good thing.

    You can make big money -- you can lose your shirt -- that doesn't stop the risk takers from looking for the 'main chance' in the oil business.

    There's plenty room for new players; and the oilfield services companies aim to please.

    Now, whether you find "liquid gold" is your problem, but at least you got the best tools money can buy.

    The real question: Are you getting the best advice on where to find crude oil?

    Are you listening to "fossil" fools, which left to their own devices will give you a 'bum steer' 27 out of 28 times?

    They got theirs clipped along time ago.

    Pull your head out and get advice from people who actually understand the geo-mechanics of 'rockoil'.

    On an economic note:

    Crude oil prices sank $2.54 to $122.19 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, extending their two-week-long retreat from record highs above $147.

    Does this portend trouble for the oilfield services companies?

    The short answer: No.

    Any price over $100 a barrel will give solid returns on investment -- provided you find oil.

    Also, demand destruction has plunged the price of oil -- scattering oil speculators out of the market -- but with lowered oil prices, demand will creep up, creating a market floor of $100 a barrel, if it gets that low.

    Certainly oil bulls that were screaming "Peak" oil, aren't swinging so easy these days.

    Particularly, if they got caught hanging long.

    Relax, with oil prices lowering, the economy will get a real "stimulus" shot and investors can look for other avenues to "keep their money working."

    And forget "Peak" oil -- that's a fantasy that just leaves you limp in the morning.

    There is no shortage, otherwise, the oil majors wouldn't be holding back their own investment in oil production.

    That's the real history of the 'oil business', not scarcity, but repeated oil gluts.

    That's what the oil majors spend most of their time trying to avoid.

    But are they going to tell the general public that nugget of truth?

    That's the facts, Jack.

    As long as you remember, oil is a work horse and not a show horse -- the world's economy will do fine, which will increase the demand for oil and make plenty of money for everyone, as long as some people don't get too greedy.

    The science for the Abiotic Hydrocarbon Cycle is undeniable.

    Plenty of oil is a good thing -- especially for the oilfield services companies. After all, people have to believe there is oil to find, if they are going to spend all that hard cash on shiny new oil drilling equipment.

    Don't they now?

    The good thing? Abiotic oil insures there is plenty of oil to find.

    And sell, for hard cash!
