Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake At Lake Baikal

Is the world trying to tell us something? Is science itself trying to tell us something? Is God (gasp!) trying to tell us something? I'm referring to 2 temporally related events, the discovery of a third oil fissure in Lake Baikal's bedrock and the 6.3 Magnitude earthquake at Lake Baikal on the morning of Wednesday August 27th (Hat tip: Quantum Flux). Even if these 2 events seem to be causally unrelated and are merely Jungian "synchronicity", they still point us to the same conclusion, namely the conclusion reached by Thomas Gold in Chapter 8 ("Rethinking Earthquakes") of The Deep Hot Biosphere: "Earthquakes can best be understood as outgassing phenomena, within the framework of the deep-earth gas theory."


  1. Perhaps earthquakes are a major transport mechanism for abiotic oil?


    "Any notion which might suggest that hydrocarbon molecules spontaneously evolve in the regimes of temperature and pressure characterized by the near-surface of the Earth, which are the regimes of methane creation and hydrocarbon destruction, does not even deserve consideration." -- Emmanuil B. Chekaliuk, 1968

    The key to the quote is the idea that the crust is a methane creator and a hydrocarbon destroyer.

    Much hydrocarbon is broken into methane gas on oil's travel from the bottom of the crust to its final repose in a reservoir trap or even reaching the surface as an oil seep.

    Thus, methane is ubiquitous both by itself and in association with oil.

    Oil seeps have been known to emerge after earthquakes in California.

    This earthquake provides an excellent opportunity for scientific research and observation.

    In that research equipment is already on the scene.

    What is the status of the oil seeps already observed at the bottom of the lake?

    Are there any new oil seeps as a result of this earthquake?

    The scientific evidence is that crude oil, natural gas, and earthquakes run together.

    If most of Earth's cracks and fissures are associated with oil & gas deposits and many are yet to be explored both onshore and offshore, at depths beyond 15,000 feet onshore and offshore in all the areas that have latitudinal cracks -- oil supplies have not begun to be tapped to full extent.

    These latitudinal cracks run all the way to the mid-ocean ridges.

    Are there oil deposits that run the length of the cracks.

  3. Quantum_Flux:

    Here might be your answer.

    "At a more local scale, introduction of magma and hydrothermal fluids into the global “crack system” commonly is coincident with kinematic activity in the faults." -- Stanley B. Keith, et. al. 2003

    Keith considers oil a hydrothermal fluid; so it's safe to say your idea already has at least one vote of an oil industry supported Abiotic Oil geologist.

    And perhaps a whole bevy of unknown geologists at Sonoita Geoscience Research, too.

    The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

  4. Now does it become clearer why Mr. Keith is quoted as saying: "We’ve barely tapped, from the exploration point of view, the hydrocarbon potential that’s out there on this planet." -- Stanley B. Keith, 2005

  5. Perhaps there were many underwater tar pit formations upwelling from the mantle in the oceanic hydrothermal vents during the precambrian era, and maybe life on Earth is hydrocarbon based.

  6. Quantum_Flux:

    You have scientific support for your hypothesis.

    Here is a quote from Keith's paper entitled Hydrothermal Hydrocarbons: "Indeed, chemosynthesis in the presence of metal at hydrothermal vent sites like Lost Cities may have contributed to polymerization and production of large organic molecules (e.g. DNA) necessary to spawn life very early in the planet’s history."

  7. Well then I guess there should be plenty of Oil in the New Madrid Seismic Zone?
