Thursday, September 25, 2008

Abiotic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons

I missed this last month and wasn't sure what Anaconda was talking about until now: GEP-13 Abiotic deep origin of hydrocarbons: Myth or reality?.

About combination genesis of hydrocarbons in different regions of Glob (Case Lesser Caucasus and Arabian Plate)
Albert Harutyunyan, Sargis Grigoryan

About the deep source of the hydrocarbon's reduced systems and origin of the Romashkin oil field
Rimma Gottikh, Bogdan Pisotskiy , Irina Plotnikova

Carbon in ancient serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal systems: Constraints from the northern Apennine ophiolites (Italy) and the Iberian margin
Esther Schwarzenbach

Deep origin of oil: Evidences from inorganic geochemistry of oil
Kirill Ivanov, Yuri Fedorov, Yuri Erokhin, Olga Pogromskaya, Yuri Ronkin, Irina Plotnikova

Fractured zone of the upper crust as a source of hydrocarbons entry
Inna Balanyuk, Anatoly Dmitrievsky, Tatiana Akivis

High production of hydrogen and abiogenic hydrocarbons by serpentinization of ultramafic rocks between 12°N and 40°N on the mid-Atlantic Ridge- Methane plumes and hot fluid geochemistry
Jean Luc Charlou, Jean Pierre Donval, Cecile Konn, Yves Fouquet, Philippe Jean-Baptiste

How tectonically driven upward movement of deep abiotic hydrocarbons makes conventional oil and gas fields
Alexander Kitchka

Hydrocarbons in the Ilimaussaq magmatic intrusion, Greenland, exhibit both abiogenic and biogenic signature
Troels Laier, Hans Peter Nytoft

Hydrocarbons in the rift zones, evidence from Iceland and Israel
Yuri Galant, Alfred Geptner, Yuri Pikovskii

New models of oil/gas forming in light of unique data of the ultra deep wells
Yuri Galant

Organic compound occurrence in fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic ridge: a consequence of H2 production?
Cecile Konn, Jean-Luc Charlou, Jean-Pierre Donval, Nils Holm, Frank Dehairs, Bouillon Steven

Polygenesis of oil and gas
Anatoly Dmitrievskiy

Precambrian crystalline basement of the Volgo-Kama anticline and the origin of oil fields
Rimma Gottikh, Renat Muslimov, Bogdan Pisotskiy, Irina Plotnikova

Quantification of the rate of methane production by serpentinization
Alasdair Skelton, Patrick Crill, Fredrik Arghe, Bob Whitmarsh, Hemin Koyi

The modern theory of abiotic deep genesis of hydrocarbons: A history of the history
Vladimir Kutcherov

Trassers of superdeep fluids in petroliferous reservoirs
Alexander Lukin
As Anaconda noted, this website is a Brazilian government website and indicates that Petrobras (PBR) is well aware of abiotic exploration principles. Furthermore, it was sponsored by StatoilHydro (STO).


  1. To OilIsMastery:

    Thank you for the kind words.

    Thank you for the post. This shows there is a significant body of scientific evidence supporting Abiotic Oil. And that the scientific evidence is constantly building.

  2. To Quantum_Flux:

    As you know, my interest is in Abiotic Oil. The evidence is substantial. But I have written several times, here, on the Oil Is Mastery website, that life could have originated from Abiotic hydrocarbons.

    Really, just a muse, based on the idea that there are biotic molecules that have some similarity to hydrocarbons and the ubiquitous presence of Abiotic hydrocarbons in areas known to support primitive life (hydrothermal vents).

    But there has been a question of how the double-helix formed. The basis of replicating life (DNA).

    You have a stronger interest in this area than I do.

    Yet, I may have a new lead for you, Quantum_Flux.

    There is a theory of the Universe that incorporates electrical principles, thus, this theory is refered to as the Electric Universe.

    The above link gives a good synopsis of the theory.

    The Electric Cosmos provides a more detailed presentation of the Electric Universe theory.

    It's provacative, to say the least, but also has solid scientific principles backing the theory.

    There are similarities between the Electric Universe theory and Abiotic oil theory in terms of a dispute between rival theories and the proper application of the scientific method.

    A quote may be helpful in illustrating the similariies:

    "There have been several instances in the past when the astronomical mainstream has long rejected an idea that is later accepted. There is usually no public disgrace for the in-group who were on the wrong side of the issue. When, after being viciously denigrated, the validity of a new idea becomes inescapably obvious, a few years go by, and then we quietly hear: 'Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that this (the new idea) was always true.' An example of this is Hannes Alfvén's discovery of plasma waves. This relatively recently discovered property of plasmas is now being wrongly used by astrophysicists to explain away all sorts of (what is for them) enigmatic phenomena - such as the temperature inversion in the Sun's lower corona."

    Reading the second link gives a good flavor and idea to the parallel struggles these two theories, Abiotic Oil and Electric Universe, have against rival accepted theories that don't rely on empirical scientific method.

    (This similarity, I must admit makes myself open-minded to the Electric Universe theory.)

    But getting back to the lead I think you might be interested in.

    Electrically generated plasma is known to form what are called "Birkeland" Currents.

    There is a diagram of this phenomenon in the first link.

    What does it resemble?

    One could say it resembles a double-helix.

    Also, it has been suggested lightening could have played a part in the origin of life.

    Lightening is a plasma.

    Well, let me know what you think of this lead.


    I should also add that there is a possible link between Abiotic Oil and the Electric Universe theory.

    What is it?

    Marin Hovland's Supercritical Water theory involves water in the physical state of plasma.

    Plasma has electrical conducting properties that may explain certain geological mineral structural phenomenon reported in scientific literature.

    From Keith's work:

    "In porphyry metal districts where strong strike-slip dynamics have been operative, torque forces may result in a more tight, spiral effect of the differentiation path. In such systems, the ore stages are emplaced extremely rapidly (within 0.5 million years) and within the precision of the geochronologic technology. Examples include the spectacular spiral, crystal cave system within the Braden pipe at El Teniente, Chile; the possibility of rotated intrusions within the Grasberg diatreme in Irian Jaya, Indonesia; the Anna Lee auriferous corkscrew in the kinematic center of the Cripple Creek diatreme in central Colorado; and apparent spiral dynamics associated with the giant Ashanti and the emerging Ntotoroso gold fields in Ghana.

    In all cases, the tornadic, spiral patterns in porphyry metal systems inventoried to date are associated with world-class, giant, rapidly evolved, porphyry metal systems associated with ‘super-wet' intrusive sequences emplaced into deep-seated, kinematically active, strike-slip faults that comprise elements of the global crack system. One final observation is that within the last 150 million years, giant porphyry metal and petroleum accumulations seem to occur in or near deep-seated cracks within 45 degrees of the equator."

    Could these "apparent spiral dynamics" be related to "Birkland" Currents and electrical plasma dynamics?

    Also, OilIsMastery has provided quotes on the side-bar that reference a provocative tectonic theory called Excess Mass Tectonics, by Stavros T. Tasso, which suggests plasma dynamics controls tectonic formations. This theory expressly challenges conventional Continental Drift Plate Tectonics theory.

    Now, I lay out the above theories as simply food for thought.

    That is reasonable according to the scientific method.

    But it's interesting that a unified theory of geological dynamics and cosmological dynamics seem to be supported by actual scientific observations.

    Plasma, electrical dynamics, may play a much larger role here on Earth and in the Cosmos than most scientists realize.

    Could this "electrical" dynamics also act as a catalyst for hydrocarbon formation?

  3. In that electric universe, I find it interesting that they are defining the charge density as "dE/dr" when it normally is defined as "dQ/dV" .... it's amazing what people can do with math but no hard data.

    Clearly, if there was a high enough plasma gas concentration in the interstellar medium to create the kind of electric fields and current densities required for fusion of the stars to occur, then Earth and Mars would be stars too.

    As much as I want to believe that astrophysicists are wrong for simply not taking into account a fundamental force of nature, I can't really buy into such an argument. Einstien was not wrong, his theory of lightwave doppler redshift has been confirmed many times with satellite experiments, and the theory about time dilation is certainly useful in particle physics. What this has reminded/taught me is to be more skeptical though.

  4. I think that neutron stars would be stable since it is the nuclear force that binds neutrons together, not the electric force as this mischievious electrical engineer tried to explain.

  5. Quantum_Flux:
    Perhaps I wasn't clear. I wasn't asking for your opinion of the over all theory of the Electric Universe, rather, I was providing a lead, the "Birkeland" Currents.

    (I provided links to the over all theory to provide 'background' on "Birkeland" Currents and for my seperate goal of "laying out" a scientific theory that could have potential of being part of a unified theory of geological and comological physics.)

    "Birkeland" Currents aren't theory, they are scientific fact.

    Here is an additional diagram presenting a conception of their spiral shape.

    Of course, if you don't think "Birkeland" Currents present a promising lead in your quest for the Secret of the Origin of Life, no worries.

    So, I'll rephrase the question: "What significance, if any, do you attach to the similarity between the double-helix of DNA and "Birkeland" Currents?

    Or is it simply pure coincidence in your opinion?

  6. Gosh, anything I say about Electric Cosmos is speculation, it certainly has a lot of theoretical truth to it when it comes to the behavior of electrical currents as well as a lot of things that have largely been unconfirmed. I guess the question to be asked is "to what degree does the theory validated by evidence?"

    Anyhow, that 650,000 Amp Plasma-Ion Current being generated/captured by the Solar Wind (perhaps due to a voltage difference between the Sun and the Earth) that is crossing the Earth's magnetic field, may have something to do with the periodic magnetic field strength fluctuations of the Earth. If a Birkeland Current were to increase the field strength then that should show up in the geologic record due to plate tectonics (the Earth possibly being a magnetic recorder of Birkeland currents?).

    Anyhow, I'd bet that stronger magnetic fields could have led to historic RNA production periods in the Abiotic Oil Regions of the mantle or something to that nature.

  7. Qantum_Flux

    Neutron stars can't exist - the half life of a free neutron is 10 minutes. Neutronium (matter made of neutrons) does not exist. We know experimentally that neutron/proton ratio of about 1.5 is a stable nucleus. Nuclei which have neutron/proton ratios less than or greater than 1.5 undergo spontaneous radioactive decay.

  8. At 1 STP, neutrons are unstable. How about at the hydrostatically huge pressures of the surface of a neutron star though?

  9. Quantum_Flux

    This is circular reasoning, you first assume a neutron star exists made from a non existent material and then deduce that pressures must be great enough to make the neutrons stable.

    Pulsars are known to rotate very rapidly and because they don't fly apart, they must be made of an incredibly dense material - ergo neutronium?

    But the bursts of radio frequency observed are quite short in comparisons to the times between the bursts and ressenbel radar signals.

    The pulsar emits a pulsed radio frequency signal whose moulation frequency is about 600 Hz. This is an electrical phenomenon and is a relaxation oscillator comprising two capacitors (the stars) and a non linear resistor (plasma) between them. One capacitor charges up relatively slowly and , when its voltage becomes sufficiently high, discharges rapidly to the other capacitor (star). Then the process starts again. The rate of charge/discharge depends on the strength of the input Birkeland) current, the capacitances (surface areas of the stars) and the breakdown voltage of the (plasma) connection. Has nothing to do with the mass or density of the stars.

  10. Hmmm, except that the discharge direction between stars is oscillating at 600 Hz? Are these Birkeland currents traveling faster than the speed of light!?

  11. Oh, I think I understand, perhaps it's a 1 way current you're saying and the release of the charge current occurs every 1/600 of a second.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. So, I'll rephrase the question: "What significance, if any, do you attach to the similarity between the double-helix of DNA and "Birkeland" Currents?"

    Or is it simply pure coincidence in your opinion?

    That's a very good question, Anaconda. So good I decided to post it to a senior biologist that I know.

    Here is his answer:

    With respect to your question, my opinion, well, the studies reveal that it is not simply pure coincidence. The helicoidal shape of DNA cannot be explained by simple ionic or covalent ligands. The research indicates that the double helix shape of DNA is due to the electrical potential. Molecular points of equal potential in space can be interconnected by equipotential "lines" that generate perpendicular electrostatic forces. The combination of these forces obliges the components of the whole molecule to twist to one side or the other side. Thus it is for all biomolecules. The dipole momentum of DNA was described by S. Takashima in 1963. His study was published in the Journal of Molecular Biology under "Dielectric Dispersion of DNA". You may find the link below useful:

    DNA has a really high dipole momentum, 32000 D (D = Debye-unit), while the dipole momentum of the highest charged protein is 1000 D. There is a big difference; however, proteins also adopt tertiary structures, although not forming helicoidal double strands. In the times of Watson and Crick, molecular biologists attributed the double-helix shape of DNA to the assymetry of hydrogen bonds, i.e. the bond between Adenine and thymine is a double bond, while between Guanine and Cytosine there is a triple bond. However, the real molecules with large strands formed by T-A or G-C exhibit the helicoidal shape, anyway. Thus the cause of that particular shape couldn't be the simplest explanation. It was then that biologists investigated the real cause and found that DNA molecules were affected by strong electric forces. Some people remains stuck in the past and think still that the explanation resides in the asymmetries of hydrogen bonds. That explanation is not true.

  14. To BF:

    Thank you for putting the question to the senior biologist. His answer was informative.

    One weakness, among many that I have, is that I don't directly contact the scientists, whose papers are discussed, here, on the Oil Is Mastery website.

    So thanks again for contacting the biologist, that provided expertize for the discussion.

    And finally, thank you to the senior biologist for taking the time to answer my question.

    It's much appreciated.

  15. You're more than welcome, Anaconda.
