Wednesday, September 3, 2008

University of Minnesota Seminar On Abiotic Hydrocarbons

Research scientist Qi Fu of the University of Minnesota will be leading a seminar on Abiotic Hydrocarbons this Friday: LPI Seminar Series: Experimental investigations on abiotic formation of hydrocarbons under hydrothermal conditions.

Qi Fu, Univ. of Minnesota

Experimental investigations on abiotic formation of hydrocarbons under hydrothermal conditions

A series of experiments were conducted to study mineral catalyzed carbon reduction processes in subseafloor hydrothermal systems. In experiments involving magnetite and CO2 and H2-bearing aqueous fluids at 400oC and 500 bars, time-series fluid samples indicated significant concentrations of dissolved CO and C1-C3 hydrocarbons and relatively large changes in dissolved CO2 and H2 concentrations, consistent with formation of additional hydrocarbons beyond C3. The isotope results showed a pattern of C and H isotope enrichment between C1 and higher hydrocarbons. The "isotopic reversal" trend was not observed for 13C values of dissolved alkanes with increasing carbon number. This may relate to the specific mechanism of carbon reduction under hydrothermal conditions at elevated temperatures and pressures. In another experiment, the catalytic role of iron-nickel sulfide (Pentlandite) was evaluated using a 13C-labeled carbon source at conditions (T, P, and fluid chemistry) close to Rainbow/Logatchev vent systems. Dissolved 13C-bearing alkane species were produced with relatively low H2(aq)/CO2(aq) ratio and the existence of dissolved H2S. Hydroxymethylene is the key intermediate in the hypothesized reaction mechanism, which was consistent with XPS and ToF-SIMS analysis results on the mineral product.
Also see here.

1 comment:


    This is experimental confirmation of Stanley B. Keith's work.

    Also, Keith presented his work entitled Cracks of the World to the Houston Geological Society.

    Also, a series of scientific papers which Keith authored are presented here.

    Laboratory experiments testing various catalysts of mineral formation including hydrocarbon formation can be carried out. The results of these hydrocarbon catalyst experiments will further our understanding of geochemical processes within the Earth.

    It seems to this writer that experiments of various kinds will prove Abiotic Oil as the above post gives testimony to. And this process will only accelerate over time.

    Also, the role of pressure in maintaining hydrocarbon stability in an environment of increasing temperature should also be able to be tested.

    With the strong affinity of carbon and hydrogen based on their respective atomic and electron structures on a molecular scale, one can rightly hypothesize that hydrogen and carbon may have multiple pathways to thermo-molecular bonding to form hydrocarbons.

    These hypothesized pathways should be able to be independently tested in succession in the laboratory under controlled conditions to verify their existence.

    This should lead to a experimentally verified theory of Abiotic hydrocarbon formation that matches field observations of various geological settings where hydrocarbon deposits are found.

    Abiotic Oil is fast being documented in the field and confirmed in the laboratory.

    And, thus, in turn, presented and acknowledged in scientific journals and taught in the scientific curriculum of leading universities.

    This process of scientific acceptance will only build with time...
