Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mystery Chemical On Venus

(Please note: the numbers and coordinate lines have been mathematically superimposed by human imagination and do not exist in physical material actuality.)

Venus is a very strange place. It is the only planet in the inner solar system with retrograde rotation.

Now scientists say there is an unidentified mystery chemical in it's atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet light: Venus Comes To Life At Wavelengths Invisible To Human Eyes.

Using Venus Express, it is possible to compare what the planet looks like in different wavelengths, giving scientists a powerful tool to study the physical conditions and dynamics of the planet’s atmosphere.

Observed in the ultraviolet, Venus shows numerous high-contrast features. The cause is the inhomogeneous distribution of a mysterious chemical in the atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet light, creating the bright and dark zones.
All cultures on Earth worshipped Venus. The Chinese (Tai'Pei), the Sumerians (Innana), the Babylonians (Ishtar), the Greeks (Aphrodite), the Romans, the Arabs (Al-'Uzza), the Aztecs (Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli), the Yucatec Maya (Kukulkan), the K'iche' Maya (Gukumatz), the Toltecs (Quetzalcoatl), and the Olmecs. Even into recent times among the American Indians, in the last century still, human sacrifices were brought to the planet Venus.

Thurman, M.D., The Timing of the Skidi-Pawnee Morning Star Sacrifice, Ethnohistory, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 155-163, 1983


  1. OilIsMastery:

    Possibly you have read this thunderbolts.info Picture of the Day.

    It seems highly relevant to the Venus question and frankly provides a more compelling explanation than the mainstream's "unknown gas" hypothesis.

    First Star I See Tonight,
    December 08, 2008 (thunderbolts.info) --
    "The light from Venus resembles frequencies seen in an electric discharge through ionized gas."

    "New images from the European Space Agency's Venus Express are said to reveal a "mysterious" chemical that absorbs ultraviolet light. The variation in molecular density causes the Venusian clouds to absorb different frequencies of UV light, creating the bright and dark zones seen in images from space.

    Ultraviolet light reveals cloud structures and how the 300-kilometer-per-hour wind creates turbulence and layering within them. Infrared imaging relates the differences in temperature in the cloud tops, as well as how high they are above the surface. The ultraviolet studies indicate that the dark bands in the atmosphere are areas where the temperature is highest, while the bright banding at mid-latitudes exhibits a cooler temperature." For full article click here.

  2. Anaconda, thx for reminding me. I actually read it but it slipped my memory.


    The following scientific observations are taken from First Star I See Tonight, December 8, 2008 (thunderbolts.info)

    1. The signals sent back from Venus Express, as well as those from previous missions, are typical of what is seen in a gas discharge tube.

    2. The Magellan orbiter detected highly reflective mountain peaks on Venus, prompting one Electric Universe theorist to describe them as wearing coats of "St. Elmo's fire."

    3. Other measurements taken from orbit show that only 2% of sunlight reaches the surface, although landers on the surface saw a landscape lit up as if the sky were glowing.

    4. Venus radiates twice the energy it receives from the sun.

    5. The atmospheric layers are also uniform in temperature from dayside to nightside, despite the planet's slow rotation.

    6. The planet has no significant magnetic field and no magnetosphere, but it does possess an ionosphere and a plasma tail with "stringy things" (Birkeland currents).

    7. An intense UV airglow, also known as “ashen light,” is detected on Venus.

    Seven scientific observations that are consistent with Plasma Cosmology.

    It seems this lovely lady is Earth's nearest opportunity to investigate closeup whether electrical energy animates planets in the solar system (of course, Earth, itself has observable electrical phenomenon).

    "Unknown" gases hardly seem like the answer, yet that's exactly what mainstream science wants to feed the general public.

    Why is Venus a great opportunity for Plasma Cosmolgy?

    Because Venus is so close. Most observations of phenomenon in the heavens are of objects literally light years away, which causes a level of ambiguity in the observations and allows for a wide divergence in analysis and interpretation of what Man is really observing. So far, this ambiguity has allowed gravitational model astronomers to interpret the scientific data in a way that sustains their theory even in the face of contradicting evidence.

    But with Venus being so close, more exact observations can be made, leaving less room for "inventive" interpretations and analysis.

    Science can get down to "brass tacks".

    Also, known as the empirical scientific method.

    Venus is a lovely lady, it's about time her "charms" are identified.

    Are her charms electric and vivacious?

    Certainly, that would be a "stunning" conclusion that would leave conventional astronomy "broken hearted".

    This is a first-step for Plasma Cosmology to grab the high ground in the scientific debate over what "fires" the heavens: Electricity or gravity?
