Thursday, December 18, 2008

Velikovsky Correct About Pole Shift

"Diogenes Laertius repeated the teaching of Leucippus: 'The earth bent or inclined towards the south because the northern regions grew rigid and inflexible by the snowy and cold weather which ensued thereon.' The same idea is found in Plutarch, who quoted the teaching of Democritus: 'The northern regions were ill temperate, but the southern were well; whereby the latter becoming fruitful, waxed greater, and by an overweight preponderated and inclined to the whole that way.' Empedocles, quoted by Plutarch, taught that the north was bent from its former position, whereupon the northern regions were elevated and the southern depressed. Anaxagoras taught that the pole received a turn and that the world became inclined toward the south." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, 1950

"The sea erupted. Often the sea and land changed places. The immutability of contours of continents and seas, a dogma in geology, has no basis in fact. And immediately there is the problem of the climate. There were ancient climates that were very different from what they are today. If those corals grew where they were found, certainly the Earth was not travelling with the same elements of rotation and revolution which means not in the same orbit, not with the axis directed in the same position as it is today. If you don't believe it, try to cultivate corals on the North Pole." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, 1966

Stephen Smith: Europa's Unsettled Poles.

It appears as if the north and south poles on Jupiter's giant moon are no longer located where they originated.

Scientists have been studying images returned by the Galileo spacecraft for almost ten years now. The images transmitted from Jupiter's moons, in particular, revealed structures that seem to defy conventional geological theories. Why is Callisto covered with craters? Why does Ganymede possess a magnetic field? Why does Europa appear to be covered with water ice that is floating on a vast ocean?

A May 15, 2008 article in the science journal Nature announced that Europa seems to have experienced displacement of its north and south poles on more than one occasion.
Hecht, J., Jupiter's Moon's Poles 'Wandered' Far and Wide, New Scientist, May 2008

Schenk, P., Matsuyama, I., and Nimmo, F., True Polar Wander On Europa From Global-Scale Small-Circle Depressions, Nature, 453, Pages 368-371, May 2008

Fountain, H., Arc-Shaped Troughs on Europa May Be Sign of Wandering Poles, The New York Times, May 2008


  1. OilisMastery

    Don't get too enthralled with Velikovksy, he was a man of HIS times, not ours, and his ideas were conditioned on the prevailing attitudes then.

    Clark Whelton, (lives in NY) is an excellent source of information on this.

  2. Well I most certainly agree with him that the poles shifted and with a great many other things and I suspect you do as well...=)

    For example, Venus is hot, Jupiter emits radio noises, plasma, etc.

  3. I can't find Clark Whelton. I need help...=)

  4. ...does this mean if I buy property on the North Pole I could end up owning desirable beach front from either global warming or pole shifting?

    This doubles my chances for a win!!

  5. Oh, investing in Canadian or Russian property sounds like a smart idea assuming Canada and Russia won't just shoot you and take the deed to your oil rich paradise when the land becomes ripe for business.

  6. Bill,

    LOL...Funny you should mention it because I just so happen to have some property on the North Pole for sale...haha.

  7. Oilismastery

    Actually I do support the careening earth theory - where the earth reorients its axis of spin in space.

    It is crucial to realise that in terms of sphericity the earth is closer to an ideal sphere than a top class billiard ball, so its rotational stability really has nothing to do with the equatorial bulge but on other factors.

    Have a look at the various axes of spin and their orientation to the ecliptic for the rest of the solar system.

  8. Yep, very spherical indeed, according to the Clark Ellipsoid the semimajor axis is 6,378,206.4 m and the semiminor axis is 6,356,583.8 m.
