Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama Allows Offshore Drilling

I wonder how his followers feel about this: Offshore drilling plan to go ahead: Interior Dept.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposal issued in the final days of the Bush administration to expand offshore drilling in previously banned areas will move forward under the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama, an Interior Department spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday.

Shortly after being sworn in on Tuesday, Obama ordered all federal agencies and departments to halt pending regulations until they can be reviewed by incoming staff.

Hugh Vickery, a department spokesman, said the department has been notified by the White House that it will be able to proceed with a proposed draft of a five-year plan to lease areas in the Atlantic and Pacific waters for oil and natural gas drilling.


  1. He probably has more plans for energy in America than just offshore drilling.

  2. Israel discovers natural gas reserves three miles down:

  3. You got a point there.

  4. Well, let the speculation about limited supplies begin again then.
