Friday, February 20, 2009

Kaali Crater Field

"...and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit." -- Revelation 9:1-2

Kaali meteorite crater field on Saaremaa island in Estonia: Kaali.

The meteorite crater field in Kaali, Saaremaa, is the rarest natural monument in Estonia as well as the most impressive crater field of the whole Eurasia. The Kaali meteorite was the last giant meteorite that [mainstream science acknowledges] fell in a densely populated region of the world. Its fall on the inhabited island of Saaremaa evidently caused extensive damage and possibly also numerous victims, it has been compared with an explosion of a small nuclear bomb. ...


The meteoritic origin of the Kaali crater was proved in 1937 when the first fragments of iron meteorite with 8.3% nickel content were gathered. The scientists assert that the meteorite with the initial mass 400-10.000 tons, entered the atmosphere from the Northeast direction with the initial velocity 15-45 km/s, at impact its velocity was 10-20 km/s and mass 20-80 tons. At the altitude of 5-10 km the meteorite broke into pieces and fell to the Earth in fragments, the greatest of which produced a crater with a diameter of 110 m, 22 m deep, and 8 smaller ones with diameters 12 to 40 m, depths varying from 1 to 4 m. Some craters have probably not been discovered yet.

The approximate date of the falling of the Kaali meteorite – 7500-7600 years BP – is determined by the content of soil and rock particles, thrown up by the giant explosion, in the sediments in the lakes and mires of neighbourhood. In the explosion the meteorite was mostly pulverized and up to now only particles of meteoritic iron, weighing 0.5-28 g, have been found from the secondary craters.


  1. Hmm, I bet that the Revelations in the Bible were talking about future meteor strikes and extinction of current species. I guess the Bible knows more about the active Universe than we thought. Does it have any trace of irridium or other minerals and/or elements? Maybe that can contribute to a solution to our energy crisis.

  2. Raptor Lewis,

    We really don't have an energy crisis, but we do have one of intelligence and commonsense.

  3. @ Rapor Lewis:

    If there is one thing, one single important thing, that you learn from this website, there is no energy crisis.

    The Earth has plenty of energy and, in fact, Man has not tapped into the largest source available.

    Hint: The Earth is enveloped in an electromagnetic environment.
