Monday, March 9, 2009

Sun Continues Hibernation

Intellicast: Sun Continues Hibernation. (Via: Heliogenic Climate Change)

The sun continues in hibernation mode. NASA and others thought in late 2006 it had bottomed out but it has continued to slide. Since it can’t go negative, it has leveled off scraping the bottom of the chart. The NASA team projections for the next cycle continue to slip further into the future and periodically adjusted down. They present two scenarios one for a more active cycle (24) with a peak at the start of 2012 and the second a weaker one peaking around the end of 2012 or start of 2013. ...

These predictions suggest that a period of quiet solar activity is expected, lasting until around 2030, with less disruption to satellite orbits, satellite lifetimes, and power distribution grids and lower risk of spacecraft failures and radiation dose to astronauts. Our model also predicts a recovery during the middle of the century to more typical solar activity cycles with peak sunspot numbers around 120.

Eventually, the superposition of the minimum phase of the 105- and 420-year cycles just after 2100 leads to another period of significantly quieter solar conditions. This lends some support to the prediction of low solar activity in 2100 made by Clilverd et al. 2003.”



    Right now the Sun has a clear complextion, no nasty zits and cold sores.

    The oceans are the great heat sump and regulator of global climate, and changes in ocean temperature lag behind solar activity.

    In that sense, the world's oceans are like most everything else solar, delayed reaction.

    If the Sun continues with this clear complextion and quiet demeanor expect ocean temperatures to drop, artic ice to build, and a relatively mild summer ahead.

    But the real action could be in the years ahead.

    It is this writer's firm opinion that the Sun's electromagnetic energy output is what controls the climate, so far the scientific evidence backs that contention up, indeed, that is the basis on which this writer forms his opinion.

    And, as this writer also subscribes to the view that Earth's crusal activity is also determined by electromagnetic energy from the Sun, look to see if volcanic and earthquake activity slightly decrease. Also, look to see what happens regarding next season's Carribean hurricane cycle.

    Yes, there are many indicators to watch.

    The Sun seems to be unusally quiet; should this be more than the minimum of the regular eleven year sunspot cycle and this lull continues, expect winters to get steadily colder, as the lag catches up.

    Now, I like warm weather just as much as the next guy, but if there is one redeeming feature of this quiet interlude of the Sun (hopefully not too long of an interlude), it would be to dispell the notion of Man-made global warming.

    It's the biggest scientific fraud of the day and needs to be fully exposed. The exposure of consensus science as being fundamentally off-base in regards to global warming could start to unravel the general public's regard for the consensus mentality that exists in science, today, which could lead to other areas of scientific "certainty" being questioned and alternative theories being considered.

    Man, I'm not looking forward to being in an icebox next winter, but the alternative of a Totalitarian Carbon State breathing down my neck is even less appealing.

    Better stock up on space heaters and hear the ironic cry, "I'm melting, I'm melting," from the Man-made global warming crowd.

    And then hopefully heat up the tar, and break open the pillow cases.

    There's a tar and feathering party coming on and it will be fun to make a whole night of it.


    Increased Hurricanes both in number and power are thought to be a by-product of warmer ocean temperatures (although, this is by no means a universally agreed principle).

    In the Electric Universe perspective, the spiral shape of a hurricane also is influenced by electromagnetic energy.

    Hurricanes happen all over the world under different names: Hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone.

    But the Carribean hurricane pathway is the most consistent producer of this weather phenomenon.

    Is there a reason for that?

    Many Carribean hurricanes get their start off the coast of West Africa where the Sahara meets the Atlantic ocean. Conventional meteorologists even acknowledge that hot air generated over the Sahara has an impact on Carribean hurricane development.

    But is there something more?

    Yes, there is often dust from the Sahara that can be seen on satellite photos drifting out over the Atlantic. But could that dust and hot air be carrying something more?

    Scientists have recently recognized that sand storms are not only dependent on wind and thermal updrafts, but also show a surprising amount of electromagnetic energy.

    Could it be that the seed of an active Carribean hurricane season is the electromagnetic energy generated in the Sahara desert?

    Something to think about.

    Increased electromagnetism reaching Earth from the Sun powers all kinds of self-reinforcing positive feedback loops.

    Electomagnetism is full of self-reinforcing positive feedback loops.

    Starting with the double layer.

    So, a quiet Sun leads to a quiet Earth.

  3. Nasa appear to have woken up:


  4. So, the nuclear reactions of the sun have reached a sort-of "stand-still?" How is that even possible?

  5. Thx for the comments guys =)

    Young Mr. Lewis,

    This might answer your question?

  6. First So-Called "Black Hole", Cygnus X-1, Debated Vigorously: Evidence Sorely Lacking For So-Called "Black Hole" Hypothesis

    In a debate at another website over the issue of Plasma Universe, the so-called "black hole", Cygnus X-1, was presented as "proof" for the "black hole" hypothesis.

    Subsequently, on this website, Tom Marking brought up the issue of Cygnus X-1, again, in response to my questioning and concern about my interlocutors at the other website being in absolute denial about electromagnetism being present in near-space around the Earth, even though, NASA has been teaching "electricity from space" and electromagnetism for the last seven years.

    Rather, than initially responding directly to my questions and concerns, Marking sought to dodge the questions and distract from the concerns by raising the Cygnus X-1 issue, stating I had never adequately addressed the contention that Cygnus X-1 was a so-called "black hole" over at the other website's debate.

    In response to that assertion, I have subsequently addressed the issue of Cygnus X-1 four square, with Tom Marking being my opposing interlocutor on the issue.

    The issue is interesting because not only is Cygnus X-1 stated to be a "black hole", but it was the first object "modern" astronomy declared to be a confirmation of the "black hole" hypothesis.

    It is a good discussion, a frank and full exchange of views and wide-open discussion of the relative merits of the contention that Cygnus X-1 is a so-called "black hole".

    The link goes to the Oil Is Mastery post where the discussion has been carried on.

    The Cygnus X-1 debate is midway through the comments section and continues onward.

    The debate on the issue of Cygnus X-1 being a so-called "black hole".

    I hope is the discussion is edifying.


    Above, in proceeding comments I referred to Hurricane activity as being connected to electromagnetic energy reaching the Earth.

    My ship of authority has come to port.

    Watts Up With That? website has posted the authority for my proposition. See the story, here.

    Lowest level of hurricane activity world-wide in 30 years and the Sun spot cycle at a low to non-existent level.

    Just a coincidence?

    I think not.
