Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bulgarians Descended From Macedonians

When Alexander conquered what is now modern Bulgaria (Thrace etc) the Macedonians mixed with the native Baktriyans to produce the Bulgarians. Somehow this doesn't really seem like "news" to me but I guess some people reject historical facts and deny the obvious no matter what: Inscription from the time of Alexander the Great - found in Baktria, land of origin of ancient Bulgarians. (Via rogueclassicism)

Baktra. Unique marble slab with the image of Alexander the Great and a passage of an inscription was discovered in archaeological excavations in the ancient Baktriya, Baktriya Press Agency informed.

The slab represents an ancient king on a horse heading Macedonian cavalry and Macedonian phalanx at the background.

An inscription written in an ancient language different from ancient Greek or ancient Egyptian languages, on which were written a large part of the stone inscriptions at the time of Alexander is placed from the right of the military arena. According to other assumptions the words of Alexander of Macedonia are written in baktriyan language protolanguage of today's Bulgarians.

According to archaeologists from the museum in the town of Balh – the baktriyan language is a language, which had been spoken by the soldiers of Alexander of Macedonia, which had unified languages and dialects in his multinational army. Found fragments of ancient Greek inscription at the same site, suggest a possible parallel text.
Inscriptions confirmed all my theses in the book Alexander of Macedonia and the Bulgarians.

Sofia. Inscriptions found in Baktria confirmed all my theses that I put in the book Alexander of Macedonia and the Bulgarians. Colleagues were able to assemble the parts of the inscription and read it. Director of the National History Museum Prof. Bozhidar Dimitrov told FOCUS News Agency.

Prof. Dimitrov told that the inscription really say that Alexander of Macedonia has failed to win Baktrian army and therefore his soldiers were married 10 thousand Baktrian girls thus the Bulgarian people had been formed. "In the Greek text soldiers who opposed the Alexander hadn’t been called Baktrian and have been called Bulgaro. The ancient Macedonians whatever they had been, had mixed with ancient Baktrians and so the Bulgarian people had been formed”, Professor Dimitrov announced.


  1. "An inscription written in an ancient language different from ancient Greek or ancient Egyptian languages, on which were written a large part of the stone inscriptions at the time of Alexander is placed from the right of the military arena."

    Aha, there you have it. An ancient language different from Greek and different from Egyptian. It must come from Atlantis (the modern day Antarctica). It turns out 30 percent of Alexander's forces were Atlanteans who had fled their homeland to avoid the cold winters.
    When the Atlanteans intermarried with the Macedonians they formed a new race called the Macelanteans.


  2. I suppose a straw man fallacy is your only possible rubuttle to the Holocene impact that destroyed the giants and Atlantis and shifted Antarctica to the pole?

  3. I certainly didn't get to Antarctica/Atlantis from Bulgaria. And by that, I mean I don't know how you got there, OiM.

    Please clarify.

  4. Jeffery,

    I didn't get there. It's a straw man fallacy. You fell for it obviously. Shock and awe.

  5. @OIM "I suppose a straw man fallacy is your only possible rubuttle to the Holocene impact that destroyed the giants and Atlantis and shifted Antarctica to the pole?"

    Um, the :) at the end of the post indicates it is a bit of satire, not a straw man argument or any kind of argument at all.

    Here is something serious for you to consider:

    "...The first is its staggering age. Carbon-dating shows that the complex is at least 12,000 years old, maybe even 13,000 years old.
    That means it was built around 10,000BC. By comparison, Stonehenge was built in 3,000 BC and the pyramids of Giza in 2,500 BC.

    Gobekli is thus the oldest such site in the world, by a mind-numbing margin. It is so old that it predates settled human life. It is pre-pottery, pre-writing, pre-everything. Gobekli hails from a part of human history that is unimaginably distant, right back in our hunter-gatherer past."..."

  6. @OIM


    Before you declare victory, remember there is no connection whatsoever to Antarctica. Plato says that Atlantis only conquered the western Mediterranean and Tepe Gobekli is in eastern Turkey. So the relationship to "Atlantis" is zilch.

  7. Tom,

    A vast amount of scholarship begs to differ: Atlantis in Antarctica.

  8. @OIM "A vast amount of scholarship begs to differ: Atlantis in Antarctica."

    Oh God, the same stupid web site that misrepresents the meaning of the Kircher map. That's your "vast amount of scholarship"? ROFLMAO. Compared to that web site the Peratt model is a font of wisdom.

  9. OIM,

    You may want to debate this page on that site:

  10. Pleroma,

    Abiotic hydrocarbon origin is so obvious it's almost boring to debate...:P
