Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I See Plasma But Not Gravitation

Universe Today: Hubble Immortalizes Itself With New Image: “Fountain of Youth”.


  1. Their explanation given when following the link for star formation is that the gravitation between galaxies causes heat that forms blue stars? wtf? Just look at the picture. Did they really make models using gravity that would predict that? No. They didn't. I don't know what's going on there, but the interaction of the gravity of those three galaxies is not pulling clouds of gas into millions of separate dense hot pockets to form stars. I can't even imagine what they think they are talking about. They might as well say that a gazillion little fairies take each molecule and flutter their little fairy wings toward one another, singing a star making song, then poof, a beautiful baby blue star is born.

  2. good stuff, I don't think gravity even comes close to explaining what's on that picture. Dark Matter!? Wimps!? Machos!? Please, give me a break, at least give the tremendous strength of electrical forces a whirl.

  3. Complex molecules seen in space .... hmmm, the formation of amino acids on interstellar dust?

    I actually believe the amino acids form from plasma in electromagnetic fields though .... Stanley Miller Experiment
