Friday, April 17, 2009

Is Lightning Caused By Gravity?

"The moving of negative electricity into the ground is due to the charge of the Earth." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, November 1942

Is lightning caused by gravity?

Where do the electrons go?

Do the electrons accumulate somewhere?


  1. So I guess gravity isn't the cause of downward motion.

  2. Electrical fields cause charges to traverse downwards toward the Earth, and often times upwards or sideways. Gravitation causes non-charged objects to fall or be pulled according to a mass density distribution. While gravitation does attract a charged object, the force is neglidgable compared to the electrical forces between charged objects.

    One oddity, though, is that nuclear binding forces are far stronger than electrical repulsion forces, and hence radioactive decay occurs when the charge ratios in the nucleus build up to strong enough levels to make the atomic nucleus unstable. Theory also has it that enough hydrostatic pressure due to gravitation can cause fusion by overcoming the electrical repulsion forces, but that electrical voltage potentials can overcome electrical repulsion in the nucleus with a much greater ease though. There is probably fusion in the stars occuring due to both mechanisms.


  4. ....what a pessimist that guy is! I highly doubt he has valid proof for his belief in Peak Oil.
