Monday, May 25, 2009

Giants of the Past Boggle Weak Imaginations

Science Daily: Ocean Life Of Ages Past Boggle Modern Imagination With Incredible Sizes, Abundance And Distribution.

Using such diverse sources as old ship logs, literary texts, tax accounts, newly translated legal documents and even mounted trophies, Census researchers are piecing together images - some flickering, others in high definition - of fish of such sizes, abundance and distribution in ages past that they stagger modern imaginations.

They are also documenting the timelines over which those giant marine life populations declined.

For example, Census scientists say the size of freshwater fish caught by Europeans started shrinking in medieval times.


  1. Well, people do tend to throw the small ones back, and the big ones tend to get caught in fishing nets more easily and are easier to spearhead than the smaller faster ones.

  2. If you believe in giants, you're a crackpot...=)

  3. The best way to find out if any species still extant were once caught as giant fish, is to put them into an aquarium for a few hundred years.....

    Ventor is probably inserting all orts into some lucky fish somewhere....

    Trouble with giants is there is so little evidence: where are the shoes?
