Sunday, May 31, 2009

Venus Craters of Baigong Correlated To Chinese Pyramids

Baigong China archaeological site correlates meteorite impacts and pyramids. (Hat tip: Suzannah)

Chinese Scientists to Head for Suspected ET Relics, Xinhua News Agency, Jun 2002

On the north of the mountain are twin lakes dubbed as the "lover Lakes", one with fresh water and the other with salty water.
Lover Lakes should be called Venus Craters.


  1. So did they find anything? Was anything other than the rather pithy "ET" nonsense uncovered? Did they get there and discover that a stone age culture once built some pyramids and die out?

    And why call them Venus Craters, other than to satisfy your morbid fascination with Velikovsky?

  2. Jefferry,

    "So did they find anything?"

    Pyramids and ancient Holocene plumbing. No big deal...LOL. You can go back to ignoring it now.

    "And why call them Venus Craters"

    Because that's what they are. Why call impact craters lakes? And Venus was the goddess of love.

  3. But where is the Venus connection re: the Chinese? Did they think the planet Venus was a comet too?

  4. "But where is the Venus connection re: the Chinese?"

    The Chinese worshipped Venus. And the dragon symbol is ubiquitous.

    "Did they think the planet Venus was a comet too?"


    "The last of these catastrophic events occurred on 23 March - 686. Fortunately, men were not illiterate at the time of these catastrophes." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, cosmologist, 1979

    "The next reference to meteors is found in the Chinese annals for 687 B.C. It is given by Biot as follows: '(March 23), during the night the fixed stars did not appear, although the night was clear. In the middle of the night, stars (des Ă©toiles) fell like rain.' The account is translated in another way by Abel-Remmat who makes the last part read: 'there fell a star in the form of rain.'" -- Charles P. Olivier, astronomer, 1925

    "... when the Duke of Lu-yang [Huai-nan-tse] was at war against Han, during the battle the sun went down. The Duke, swinging his spear, beckoned to the sun, whereupon the sun, for his sake, came back and passed through three solar mansions." -- Alfred Forke, philosopher, 1925

    "The year 687 B.C., in the summer, in the fourth moon, in the day of sin mao (23rd of March) during the night, the fixed stars did not appear, though the night was clear [cloudless]. In the middle of the night stars fell like rain." -- Édouard Biot, astronomer, 1846

  5. "There are about 17 names for Venus in Chinese (don't hold me on the number)." -- Alice Miller, historian

    "I believe the Chinese were the first to know that Venus was the morning and the evening star." -- Alice Miller, historian

  6. That's some hard science you're doing there, Oils... :)

  7. It's something you are in denial of and it's called history.
