Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael A. Cremo

"The mind has lost it's cutting edge, we hardly understand the Ancients." -- Grégoire de Tours, historian, 6th century

I found someone who agrees with me that mankind gets less intelligent and more primitive over time the closer you get to the present. His name is Michael A. Cremo and he calls it Human Devolution. This is obviously the exact opposite of Darwin.

"Well, there's what I call a process of knowledge filtration that operates in the world of science. Discoveries that go along with the current consensus pass through this social and intellectual filter quite easily whereas reports of evidence (discoveries) that radically contradict the current consensus are filtered out, they don't pass through this filter so easily, which means many scientists and most of the general public don't know about these discoveries. So I think it's because of this process of knowledge filtration that we don't have a complete set of facts upon which to base our decisions and judgments about important questions such as the origin of the human species." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"Well, and I think that's because of a double standard in the treatment of evidence. Evidence that goes along with the current theories is treated according to one set of rules whereas evidence that radically contradicts the current theories is judged by a much stricter standard. It's as if the rules of the game are suddenly changed, as if somebody were doing a high jump and one person jumps the five meter bar and then suddenly the next person who comes up doesn't just have to jump the five meter bar, they have to jump the ten meter bars. And actually the standards are so strict that even the evidence that goes along with the current theories could not possibly meet these same standards. So that's what I mean about a double standard in the treatment of evidence." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"Who am I and where did I come from? ... For the past century or so the Darwinist scientists through their monopoly in the education system in most of the countries in the West have had the ability to dictate to us the answers to those fundamental questions." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"I mean it [censorship] is really amazing because normally we're told that's not how the world of science operates. Well, we're told that always we're ready to consider new evidence and change our theories and it sounds very wonderful. In theory. But in practice sometimes it [science] doesn't work like that." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"... once I spoke at the Russian Academy of Sciences because one of my books Forbidden Archaeology is available in that language and one of the anthropologists there had a copy of my book and told me, 'Well, I haven't read it but I'm sure everything in it must be a mistake or an illusion or a hoax.' And that illustrates the kind of attitude that I think doesn't really represent the highest ideals of science, namely I think one should look at the evidence and, if they think something is wrong with it, they should be able to demonstrate exactly what is wrong with it." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2007


  1. Forbidden Archeology is a great book. Anyone who has spent enough time with it was spared any surprise when the "Hobbit" remains were found.

    FA contains many accounts of probable sightings of HF in the past century.

    And, you get to read about Virginia Steen Mcintyre; who makes an excellent subject for a Google "search and discover" session.

    Of course, one thing to keep in mind is that dating anything older than the reach of C-14 probably involves lots of assumptions.

  2. I remember reading a book on what was then called the Dutch East Indies where reports of small people had been encountered by traders and plantation managers. They were similar to those complaints by local people that food was stolen etc.
    Thanks for the synopsis, Diatreme!
    Electric Universe doubts many carbon and other datings as they neglect the effects of electromagnetic events on isotopes.

  3. OIM,

    you are widening your search - good - Fungus, radiometric dating is far more problematical than most realise - and if you consider the Saturn Theory, in which Earth is interpreted to have been a Saturnian satellite, then the geochronology itself collapses.

  4. Diatreme,

    It's on my list...=)


    Louis had also mentioned pygmies.



  5. Pygmies - ah yes, the Zimbabwe ruins which I have personally visited and observed in 2001 - had to be made by people of very small stature, despite President Mugabe's assertions that his tribal group were responsible.
