Saturday, August 8, 2009

Baptism of Solitude

"The distant past returned -- what part of it, he could not decide." -- Paul Bowles, author, 1947

"Celestial vengeance is approaching." -- Paul Bowles, author, 1947

"It is a unique sensation, and it has nothing to do with loneliness, for loneliness presupposes memory. Here, in this wholly mineral landscape lighted by stars like flares, even memory disappears; nothing is left but your own breathing and the sound of your heart beating." -- Paul Bowles, author, 1963


  1. So much for mainstream science not "believing" in impacts.

    Please do not make this claim again. It is very silly.

  2. I agree mainstream so-called "scientists" are silly.

    "I can't remember a single thing V [Velikovsky] said in his book 'Worlds in Collision' that was astronomically correct. " -- Phil Plait, writer, March 2005

    "I'm fundamentally a uniformitarianist. I think that that's the right way to start..." -- Dan McKenzie, geologist, October 1995

    "Catastrophism was an eighteenth -- and nineteenth -- century attempt to reconcile some form of creationism with the uncomfortable facts of the fossil record." -- Richard Dawkins, biologist, 1986

    "If Dr. Velikovsky is right, the rest of us are crazy." -- Harlow Shapley, astronomer, 1946

    "Stones cannot fall from the sky because there are no stones in the sky!" -- Antoine L. Lavoisier, chemist, 1790

    "...lest the systems of the fixed stars should, by their gravity, fall on each other, he [God] hath placed those systems at immense distances from one another." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, 1687

  3. "Perhaps the logical question to ask at this point is : Why Go? The answer is that when a man has been there and undergone the baptism of solitude he can’t help himself. Once he has been under the spell of the vast, luminous, silent country, no other place is quite strong enough for him, no other surroundings can provide the supremely satisfying sensation of existing in the midst of something that is absolute. He will go back, whatever the cost in comfort and money, for the absolute has no price." Paul Bowles

  4. "Stones cannot fall from the sky because there are no stones in the sky!" -- Antoine L. Lavoisier, chemist, 1790

    "...lest the systems of the fixed stars should, by their gravity, fall on each other, he [God] hath placed those systems at immense distances from one another." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, 1687

    These two do not count. They were wrong in their assumption.

    Dawkins is talking about Creationist Catatrophism. You know that, yet you perpetuate this lie.

    Scientific Uniformitarianism is different from your usage of the word. Another lie you perpetuate.

    Phil is a fucking genius for that comment alone.
