Science Daily: World's Oldest Fig Wasp Fossil Proves That If It Works, Don't Change It.
ScienceDaily (June 15, 2010) — The world's oldest known example of a fig wasp has been found on the Isle of Wight. The fossil wasp is almost identical to the modern species, proving that this tiny but specialized insect has remained virtually unchanged for over 34 million years.
"We believe from molecular evidence that fig wasps and fig trees have been evolving together for over 60 million years," says Dr. Compton. "Now we have fossil confirmation that gets us a bit closer to that date. Although we often think of the world as constantly changing, what this fossil gives us is an example of something remaining unchanged for tens of millions of years -- something which in biology we call 'stasis'."
If you are going to quote something, quote it correctly.
Your denial of evolution gets funnier every day. If only you weren't so dishonest about it.
Why does the Russian Church have any say in scientific matters anyway? They believe things based on faith instead of based on evidence.
"We believe from molecular evidence that fig wasps and fig trees have been evolving together for over 60 million years," says Dr. Compton.
Note the word "believe."
Of course fundamentalist believers "believe" in evolution despite the physical molecular biological evidence to the contrary.
Fundamentalists define "no evolution" as meaning evolution.
And fundamentalists say the fact that there has been no evolution in 34 million years proves evolution.
"They believe things based on faith instead of based on evidence."
I agree that Darwinists believe in things based upon faith
"We believe from molecular evidence that fig wasps and fig trees have been evolving together for over 60 million years," says Dr. Compton.
Note the word "believe."
Of course fundamentalist believers "believe" in evolution despite the physical molecular biological evidence to the contrary.
Fundamentalists define "no evolution" as meaning evolution.
And fundamentalists say the fact that there has been no evolution in 34 million years proves evolution.
You pinpoint a very important fact there! The Roman Church also and others who interfere in the lives of individuals all insist in fact checking science! If it does not fit then they start the distortion machine. I used to consider the Americans so gullible to accept the fundamentalists zionistic views on intelligent design! Their agenda were so obvious ...... Now, I have to say that the old testament is one of the most accurate historical documents! These millions of years, this and billions of years that are just so much shoddy "science" based on Lyellism.
The probability is that the amber is far younger and the wasp "fossil" is only 20,000 years old or less.
Read DeGrazia and then you may agree!
Modern scientists cannot agree with plasma engineers who carry out work daily that disproves "cosmology"!
v., -lieved, -liev·ing, -lieves.
1.To accept as true or real
2.To credit with veracity
3.To expect or suppose; think
1.To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
2.To have faith, confidence, or trust
3.To have confidence in the truth or value of something
4.To have an opinion; think
•Religions explain ultimate reality. Evolution stops with the development of life (it does not even include the origins of life).
•Religions describe the place and role of humans within ultimate reality. Evolution describes only our biological background relative to present and recent human environments.
•Religions almost always include reverence for and/or belief in a supernatural power or powers. Evolution does not.
•Religions have a social structure built around their beliefs. Although science as a whole has a social structure, no such structure is particular to evolutionary biologists, and one does not have to participate in that structure to be a scientist.
•Religions impose moral prescriptions on their members. Evolution does not. Evolution has been used (and misused) as a basis for morals and values by some people, such as Thomas Henry Huxley, Herbert Spencer, and E. O. Wilson (Ruse 2000), but their view, although based on evolution, is not the science of evolution; it goes beyond that.
•Religions include rituals and sacraments. With the possible exception of college graduation ceremonies, there is nothing comparable in evolutionary studies.
•Religious ideas are highly static; they change primarily by splitting off new religions. Ideas in evolutionary biology change rapidly as new evidence is found.
Evolution is not a faith, it is not a religion. It is a testable, provable, repeatable fact.
Well, seems to me that since the fig wasp almost never is exposed to the outside which is cosmic ray saturated one could hardly expect it to be mutated.
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