Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Origin of Saturn

"... the Sun captured a previously independent Saturnian system, in which Saturn was the brown-dwarf primary for the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus." -- Mel Acheson, natural philosopher, Stars in Collision Part 2, November 2nd 2009

"If electrical capture is common, it lends credibility to such Saturnist models of the recent history of the Solar system as that described by Dwardu Cardona in his book God Star and its two sequels. The body that became Saturn was a brown dwarf star moving alone in the galaxy with Venus, Mars, and Earth held in the axial jet above it's pole -- a low energy counterpart of Herbig-Hero stars. It was drawn toward the Sun along the same galactic current. When it entered the Sun's sheath, the electrical readjustment caused flaring and the disruption of the axial alignment of planets. Proto-Saturn lost its stellar radiance and its planets, and the bodies soon settled into quasi-stellar orbits among the rest of the planets." -- Mel Acheson, natural philosopher, Stars in Collision Part 2, November 2nd 2009


Fungus the Photo! said...

All very lovely, but merely postpones the answer of where did the planet(s) come from?

Fission of a star to shed electrical load, related to surface area, is one suggestion.

Any others? ANYONE?

OilIsMastery said...

Stars get pregnant and a bubble forms on it's surface (e.g. Betelgeuse).

Then they eject giant gaseous protoplanets at near orbits.

"There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals." -- Sonchis of Sais

Then the giant gaseous protoplanets eject the rocky inner planets.

"Nay, truly, I might carry this matter still higher, and if one planet must be made parent another, justly claim the principal place for Jupiter, probably above 200 times as big as our Earth, and the largest and most considerable of all the Sun's chorus...." -- William Whiston, mathematician, 1737

"For the past 50 years or so, scientists have been talking about dust condensing at low pressures and gradually becoming pebbles, then boulders, etc. and building planets. While that process goes on to some extent, it would lead to oxidized planets without massive cores. I think in the main the planets rained out of the centers of giant gaseous protoplanets, which would account for their massive cores and, in the case of Earth, for her two component surface." -- J. Marvin Herndon, geophysicist, October 2008

Jeffery Keown said...

There is no observational evidence of any of this, you realize. What you are quoting are just stories. Simply explanations repeating the same incorrect notions over and over again.

On the other hand, we have photographs of the nebular hypothesis at work.

OilIsMastery said...

Rofl at the 18th century Pre-Space Age creationist Nebular Hypothesis.

"The nebular hypothesis is completely false and one day will be recognized as one of the greatest errors in the history of science, possibly surpassing the centuries-old dogma of geocentrism overturned in the 16th and 17th centuries by Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. However, the prevailing dominance of religion in that era makes that error less egregious than the adoption of subduction in the 20th Century." -- Lawrence S. Myers, cryptologist/geoscientist, 1999

OilIsMastery said...

" was accepted that the solar system has no history at all. So it was created if not 6000 years ago, then 6 billion years ago. But then for 6 billion years there was no change. Whether it was created or came into being by tidal action of a passing star which would be catastrophic as the tidal theory wishes or it is growing out of a nebula, the nebular theory which goes back to Kant and Laplace, but since creation there was no change. But if what I am telling you is truth, then there were changes, and very many, and very recently too." -- Immanuel Velikovsky, polymath, 1966

Judas Disney said...

From the much overlooked Velikovsky Archive online:

The Worship of Saturn

Saturn, God of Seeds