"According to electric star theory, neutron stars belong in the same category with invisible pink unicorns." -- Stephen Smith, writer, November 2008
"It is claimed that the LIGO and LISA projects will detect Einstein's gravitational waves. The existence of these waves is entirely theoretical. Over the past forty years or so no Einstein gravitational waves have been detected. How long must the search go on, at great expense to the public purse, before the astrophysical scientists admit that their search is fruitless and a waste of vast sums of public money? The fact is, from day one, the search for these elusive waves has been destined to detect nothing." -- Stephen J. Crothers, astrophysicist, August 2009
Break out your tinfoil hats. Gravitational pseudoscientists make more grossly inaccurate predictions based upon make believe.
Science Daily: Distribution of Gravitational Wave Sources Predicted.
ScienceDaily (Dec. 3, 2010) — A pair of neutron stars spiraling toward each other until they merge in a violent explosion should produce detectable gravitational waves. A new study led by an undergraduate at the University of California, Santa Cruz, predicts for the first time where such mergers are likely to occur in the local galactic neighborhood.
We are surrounded by gravity, apparently. Yet no trace ojn the detectors? How come?
Our distance to the sun varies from time to time. travelling through space toward a distant point.
Why? Certainly not drawn by gravity. The planets are said to have circled the sun since they began existence, said to be 4,000,000,000 yrs ago. Are they special, to have evaded all that gravity and stick to the sun? They should be strung out through space, like pearls on a string. All hurtling towards the Great Attractor!
But they have pixie dust, invisible, black, pixie dust!
Smoke another one.
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