On Science In Amnesia"Civilization is older than we suppose." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Man is civilized only when he remembers his yesterday...." -- -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"During the past three or four hundred years science has been rediscovered rather than discovered." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Our science has only rediscovered and perfected old ideas." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"If it were not for the burning of libraries in antiquity, history would not have had so many missing pages." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
On Ancient Technology"... the technical skills of the men of antiquity and prehistory have been greatly underestimated." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"This book [We Are Not the First] is about penicillin before Fleming, about airplanes before the Wright Brothers, about the moons of Jupiter before Galileo, about voyages to the moon before Apollo probes, about the atomic theory centuries before Rutherford, about electric batteries before Volta, about computers before Wiener, about science before this Science Age." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Oddly enough, the peoples further back in time had greater scientific knowledge than the nations of later historical periods." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"... the presence of certain scientific knowledge in ancient times cannot be easily accounted for unless it is assumed that the skills and knowledge of the ancients have been drastically underestimated." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"The Roman emperor Diocletian issued an edict in Egypt around A.D. 300, demanding that all books on 'the art of making gold and silver' be burned. The decree shows that the Roman government was certain that such an art existed. It would surely have been unnecessary to issue decrees banning this craft unless it were known to have been practiced." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"All these prohibitions on alchemy are very bewildering. A 'No smoking' sign in a train is put up because people have cigarettes in their pockets. What was the reason for these 'No goldmaking' orders? If there were no cases of illegal transmutation, it surely would not have been worthwhile wasting expensive parchment on long, sternly worded decrees." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
On Electromagnetic Gravity and the Myth of Gravitation"...gravitational force is quadrillions of times weaker than electricity or magnetism." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Gravitational energy is 10^36 times weaker than electricity...." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Francois Lenormont writes in his
Chaldean Magic that by means of sounds the priests of ancient Babylon were able to raise into the air heavy rocks which a thousand men could not have lifted." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"Babylonian tablets affirm that sound could lift stones. The Bible speaks of Jericho and what sound waves did to it's walls. Coptic writings relate the process by which blocks for the pyramids were elevated by the sound of chanting. However, at the present state of our knowledge we can establish no
connection between sound and weightlessness." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"The Catholic Church lists some two hundred saints who were alleged to have conquered the force of gravity. Any scientist who rejects the testimony just because it comes from a religious source should be consistent and likewise discard all ecclesiastical records on the same ground. This would cover records of all possible kinds including, naturally, the condemnation of Giordano Bruno and the case against Galileo." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
"For thousands of years men have experienced the reverses of gravity force. Perhaps the ancients could give us some clue as to how to acquire antigravitation for use in aeronautics and aviation." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971
On Extraterrestrials"Saucers have been known in the East for thousands of years. Their present appearance in mass has been foretold long, long ago. They are only an effect, not the cause, and the cause is the great struggle between the Forces of Good, of Culture, of Enlightenment - and of Evil, of Hate, and Darkness." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1956
"Two theories can explain the artifacts described in this chapter -- either there was some kind of technological civilization in a bygone past, or the earth has been visited by beings from other stellar worlds." -- Andrew Tomas, author, 1971