Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Newborn Stars Forming At Center of Galaxies

Stars have been observed forming near alleged black holes thus proving that black holes and gravity do not exist: Stars Forming Just Beyond Black Hole's Grasp At Galactic Center.

ScienceDaily (Jan. 6, 2009) — The center of the Milky Way presents astronomers with a paradox: it holds young stars, but no one is sure how those stars got there. The galactic center is wracked with powerful [imaginary] gravitational tides stirred by a [imaginary] 4 million solar-mass black hole. Those [imaginary] tides should rip apart molecular clouds that act as stellar nurseries, preventing stars from forming in place. Yet the alternative – stars falling inward after forming elsewhere – should be a rare occurrence.

Using the Very Large Array of radio telescopes, astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy have identified two protostars located only a few light-years from the galactic center. Their discovery shows that stars can, in fact, form very close to the Milky Way's [imaginary] central black hole.

"We literally caught these stars in the act of forming," said Smithsonian astronomer Elizabeth Humphreys. She presented the finding today at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, Calif.


  1. You've Been Tagged with a Meme!!


    The posted article from ScienceDaily spells out the dilemma increasingly confronting conventional astronomy (Gravitational theory): The contradiction between theory and observation.

    "We don't understand the environment at the galactic center very well yet." -- Smithsonian astronomer, Elizabeth Humphreys.

    In the article the astronomers admit their observations falsify the current theories of how the galactic center works. But rather than re-think the theories or conclude other explanations should be considered, a slavish devotion to accepted theory is evinced.

    "By combining observational studies like ours with theoretical work, we hope to get a better handle on what's happening at our galaxy's core. Then, we can extrapolate to more distant galaxies." -- Smithsonian astronomer, Elizabeth Humphreys.

    Try concentrating on observation and measurement, then consider theories and plug in the theory that works best, instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

    Or in this case a square peg in a "black hole."


    As Man increases his abiltity to detect various phenomenon beyond his natural senses, i.e., beyond the light spectrum. Man is increasingly confronted by observations that don't agree with theories that were based on Man's 'natural' observational ability.

    And pictures that detect and capture these phenomenon that allow Man to make visual recognition show surrounding galaxies and the Universe beyond to be places which demonstrate properties consistent with Electric Universe theory.

    See, POD Empty Space – Electric Space, January 6, 2009 (thunderbolts.info) -- "This is the second Picture of the Day in a series that contrasts the vision of presently accepted theories with that of an Electric Universe."
