Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Relativity Violated (Again)

Possible Abnormality In Fundamental Building Block Of Einstein's Theory Of Relativity.

ScienceDaily (Jan. 6, 2009) — Physicists at Indiana University have developed a promising new way to identify a possible abnormality in a fundamental building block of Einstein's theory of relativity known as "Lorentz invariance." If confirmed, the abnormality would disprove the basic tenet that the laws of physics remain the same for any two objects traveling at a constant speed or rotated relative to one another.

IU distinguished physics professor Alan Kostelecky and graduate student Jay Tasson take on the long-held notion of the exact symmetry promulgated in Einstein's 1905 theory and show in a paper to be published in Physical Review Letters that there may be unexpected violations of Lorentz invariance that can be detected in specialized experiments.

"It is surprising and delightful that comparatively large relativity violations could still be awaiting discovery despite a century of precision testing," said Kostelecky.



    Einstein self-admittedly limited himself to 'thought' experiments.

    And the originality of his ideas has been questioned. There were scientific peers of Einstein that accused him of plagerism to his face.

    The validity of Einstein's work should be questioned because of his reliance on 'thought' experiments which are notoriously hard to validate with actual laboratory experiments.

    The following quote from the ScienceDaily article must be questioned:

    "'It is surprising and delightful that comparatively large relativity violations could still be awaiting discovery despite a century of precision testing,' said Kostelecky."

    This statement is false.

    There hasn't been a century of precision testing.

    What is remarkable is that General Relativity is still accepted theory in spite of the fact it stands so immune to actual experiments which can test its validity.

    But Einstein has been so worshipped that falsehoods like the ScienceDaily quote get passed on in spite of reality.

    But just the fact that ScienceDaily has carried this article and the paper referenced will be published in a peer reviewed journal suggests there may be a yearning to "throw off" the straight jacket imposed by Einstein's 'thought' experiments and move on to actual obervation and measurement in the laboratory and/or the field.

    Reverence for Einstein has retarded science for a century.

    It's time to break the chains imposed by 'thought' experiments.

    Man has the resources and the technology to do just that.

  2. POSTSCRIPT: The true purpose of the concluding quote in the article.

    The ScienceDaily article concludes with this quote:

    "'It is surprising and delightful that comparatively large relativity violations could still be awaiting discovery despite a century of precision testing,' said Kostelecky."

    The purpose of concluding the article with the above quote is transparent enough: Promote the idea that Einstein's General Relativity theory is valid even in the face of a substantial falsification by prior rigorous testing when in fact no such "precision testing" has occured.

    Einstein must be protected or a century of theoretical physics goes down the tube.

    I say lift the blinders from the eyes of science.


    The Oil Is Mastery website has documented numerous examples of scientific observations and measurements of plasma in space.

    Plasma is the fundamental nature of space (and electromagnetics is inherent in plasma dynamics).

    General Relativity theory omits any consideration of plasma or electric currents in space.

    A general, all encompassing theory of space dynamics that fails to treat a fundamental nature of space CAN NOT be accurate.

    That is an argument by compulsion.

    If A is true then B must be true.


    When one questions time dilation, often the response is that the GPS (Global Positioning System) has "proven" time dilation.

    Of course, one of the best understood fallacies of science is to take a phenomenon and attribute it to one theory when some other explanation is just as or more likely.

    This writer offers the explanation below for why the GPS system is not conclusive evidence of time dilation:

    "Hafele [a Relativity proponent] admitted that moving clocks do not run slow by the amount proposed by the Lorentz transformation (the gamma factor). Contrary to SR, the slowing of clocks is a function of their velocity relative to the earth’s centre of rotation. This is also demonstrated by the clocks carried on satellites forming part of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Obviously, clock slowing and the fact that the rate of radioactive decay of mesons slows down when they move at high speed do not prove that time itself ‘dilates’ or slows down; it is more logical to suppose that motion affects the internal processes of particles and atoms. All physical devices used for time-keeping are subject to error when accelerated or decelerated, or moved through gravitational fields of different strengths."
