Friday, September 10, 2010

Atlantis In The Avesta

"Upon the material world the fatal winters are going to fall, that shall bring the fierce, foul frost; upon the material world the fatal winters are going to fall, that shall make snow-flakes fall thick ...." -- Avesta, Vendidad, Fargard II, 1000 B.C.

"After the third time, Ahura Mazda warns Yima in an assembly of 'celestial gods and excellent mortals' that upon the material world the fatal winters are going to fall, and all life will perish. This is the old Mazdean symbolism for the 'flood,' and the coming cataclysm to Atlantis, which sweeps away every race in its turn. Like Vaivasvata Manu and Noah, Yima makes a vara (an enclosure, an ark) under the God's direction, and brings thither the seed of every living creature, animals, and 'fire.'" -- Helena P. Blavatsky, theosopher, The Secret Doctrine, 1888

"Ahura Mazda then warns Yima of a series of terrible winters that are about to come to the earth, in which the tops of the highest mountains will be covered by snow." -- Elwood Worcester, author, The Book of Genesis in the Light of Modern Knowledge, 1901

"Ahura Mazda warns Yima, the first king of men, of the approach of a dire winter, which is to destroy every living creature by covering the land with a thick sheet of ice, and advises Yima to build a Vara, or an enclosure, to preserve the seeds of every kind of animal and plant." -- Bal G. Tilak, author, The Arctic Home in the Vedas, 1903

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