"There is no result in nature without a cause; understand the cause and you will have no need of the experiment." -- Codex Atlanticus, 147 v. a
"The knowledge of past time and of the position of the earth is the adornment and the food of human minds." -- Codex Atlanticus, 373 v. a
"Nothing can be written as the result of new researches." -- Codex Trivuliziano 53 a
"Every wrong shall be set right." -- Library of the Institut de France
"Omne grave tendit deorsum nec perpetuo potest sic sursum sustinieri, quare jam totalis terra esset facta spherica (Every heavy substance presses downwards [Me: except the Moon and clouds which press upwards], and thus cannot be upheld perpetually; wherefore the whole earth has been made spherical)." -- Library of the Institut de France
O cities of the sea [Atlantis], I behold in you your citizens [believers in Prisca Sapientia], women as well as men, tightly bound with stout bands [reference to the gods] around their arms and legs by folk who will have no understanding of our speech [Darwinists]; and you will only be able to give vent to your griefs and sense a loss of liberty by making tearful complaints, and sighs, and lamentations to one another; for those who bind you will not have understanding of your speech nor will you understand them." -- Codex Atlanticus
Marco Polo had breached the forbidden middle kingdom, bypassing the Musselman monopoly on trade with the east. Leonardo was given details of their inventions. The Chinese had a history of inventing and then suppressing them. They ahd the fruits of bitter experience that such inventions had merely increased the sum of human unhappiness. The Greeks too, had a history of eschewing engineering for slavery, as it kept idle hands occupied. The Romans tried a new system. It worked and continues to do so.
Enigmatic post? Did you mean to say more?
O cities of the sea [cities of the sea], I behold in you your citizens [your citizens], women as well as men, tightly bound with stout bands [women as well as men, tightly bound with stout bands] around their arms and legs by folk who will have no understanding of our speech [folk who will have no understanding of our speech]; and you will only be able to give vent to your griefs and sense a loss of liberty by making tearful complaints, and sighs, and lamentations to one another; for those who bind you will not have understanding of your speech nor will you understand them." -- Codex Atlanticus
Fixed it for you. Someone had added a bunch of spurious bullshit to it. You should proofread better.
Actually, since you beleive in Atlantis, are a follower of Prisca Sapientia and are vehemently opposed to evolution. I think this is you saying that you are the equivalent of Leonardo daVinci, or that he is speaking directly to you and your kind.
What arrogance!
BTW: there were no Darwinists in Leonardo's time. They only existed after Darwin, you should know. You are mucking up the timeline worse than Velikovsky!
"BTW: there were no Darwinists in Leonardo's time."
Darwinists were called Anaximandrian's in Da Vinci's day.
"He [Anaximander] said ... that mankind was at the beginning very like another animal, to wit, a fish." -- Hippolytus, priest, 2nd century
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