Thursday, February 18, 2010

Britain Releases New UFO Files

CNN: Britain releases new UFO files. (Hat tip: Keef Destefano)

London, England (CNN) -- A hovering Toblerone and a silky-white residue join near-misses and strange lights in the British government's latest release of its files on UFO sightings.

Made public Thursday, the files are the fifth collection of records about unidentified flying objects to be released by the Ministry of Defence and The National Archives as part of a project to open the files up to a wider audience.

Thursday's release is the largest so far, totaling more than 6,000 pages of material from 1994 to 2000.


Quantum_Flux said...

I wonder how many of those UFO sitings are legitimate.

KV said...


There must be billions of camera snapping pics all the time, and there is not a decent pic of any unidentified flying object in recent history, especially, since cell phone camera explosion.

May be the real reason is that all the fair maidens have gotten fat, and there is no interest in fucking with them, or that they got hold of a copy of Kamasutra, and they figured out how to do it with themselves. OIM should know, he is beamfucked regularly.

Quantum_Flux said...

Uh, KV, we're talking about official Brittish UFO files, those can't be hoaxes but on the other extreme hopefully their fighter pilots, police officers, and military commanders aren't hallucinating these things either, lol.

Quantum_Flux said...

Perhaps some of those are hallucinations, perhaps others are radar malfunctions, perhaps most of the rest are foriegn military drones or civilian test flights, perhaps a lot are meteors and other natural phenomina, but a rare few are not identifiable by any of those categories though. It's those remaining few that greatly intrigue the beamfucked among us.

KV said...


I was not referring to what is released or is in files, but the status today. I am open to ET as long as they don't beamfuck, or steal my fair maiden!

Let me add: we monitor sky and space 24/7, I understand that we may miss a few (that does not fair well for missile defense), but got to have some real stuff now.