Friday, October 9, 2009

Magnetic Resonance

M.R.I. technology demonstrates how magnetism and radio frequency pulses are used to rotate atomic nuclei.

Can this method also be used to rotate subatomic magnetic monopoles in the opposite direction of the Earth's magnetic field currents?


Quantum_Flux said...

yes, but why?

OilIsMastery said...

For levitation purposes.

Jeffery Keown said...

They already use mag-lev in Europe and Japan for levitation.

Are you hoping to achieve trackless leviation with MRI coils?

KV said...


It is all about charge, and charge in motion and spin. Recall, magnetism is an effect of moving charge, hence, magnetic monopole is a math construct.

Though MRI video was interesting, and good you posted it.


MRI does require a track (patient is on it).

Jeffery Keown said...


Well sure... I had a number of interesting MRIs during my bout with cancer last year. I'm just picturing someone trying to build some kind of Gernsbackian hovercraft from old MRI parts... sounds deadly.

KV said...


Hope you are OK now, and not have to visit that noisey machine.



Quantum_Flux said...

Maybe if you built a large iron pyramid at the north pole

Anaconda said...


Your comment is constructive and insightful: The key is to discern a valid physical explanation, which allows further manipulation of the physical phenomenon -- versus -- an abstract mathematical description which may or may not accurately describe the phenomenon.

It's important to keep in mind that a mathematical description and a physical explanation may not be one and the same thing.

And a description in abstract mathematical terms while seemingly being accurate may not provide enough understanding to allow further manipulation of the phenomenon.

Althought, ultimately a mathematical representation is critical to the need to quantify the phenomenon.

Quantum_Flux said...

Make like a sumo and eat it Anaconda!

Anaconda said...


Is that how insecure a mathematician you are?

If you don't recognize that mathematical equations are only as good as the human assumptions that go into them, then you and others with the same mentality will readily deceive yourselves about the proper limits and dangers of mathematical equations substituting for physical explanation.

Your knee jerk reaction reveals your failure to understand the limitations inherent in abstract mathematical representations standing in for physical relationships in non-linear processes.

What part of my statement threatens your mathematical worldview?

If you think abstract mathematical description is always the same as physical explanation then you are living in a dangerous fantasy land...dangerous to the advancement of the scientific enterprse.

Anaconda said...

Oh, I'm sorry, that's already happening in "modern" astronomy, today.

And, that's why "modern" astronomy is in crisis today.

As Nikola Tesla said (paraphrase), "mathematicians have constructed equation after equation until the whole ediface has no relation to reality."

A good cautionary axiom to remember.

And remember, nobody is too big or too perfect to fail.

And when you think you can't (fail), that's when you most likely get blindsided...

Quantum_Flux said...

No, lol, I just felt like metaphorically kicking a snake is all. Don't take it personally.

Quantum_Flux said...

Magnetic field -> Volt*Sec/M^2 = B

Magnetic Flux -> Volt*Sec = B*Area

A1*B1 = A2*B2

Therefore, a magnetic field can be concentrated by a tapered cylinder, particulary an iron one thus acting as a "iron core". What that concentration of the magnetic field does, if somebody were to hypothetically build a large pyramid or cone at the north pole, where Earth's magnetic field point straight up, is to intensify the magnetic field such that electromagnetic objects could be launched vertically from it.

Anaconda said...

"Launched" from the North pole...interesting hypothetical experiment...

I got some politicians I'd love to try that with :-)

Quantum_Flux said...

It would have to be an awefully big pyramid.

KV said...

Cool cloud in Moscow, a precursor to 2012, second coming, a magnetic hole for optical waveguide, or something alien!? Enjoy.